We're Hiring!
Production Assistant | Media Operator | Studio Engineer
*Full-time positions include full benefits (health-care and dental), paid-time off, continuing education, yearly out of town retreat, bonuses, periodic raises, wardrobe and other incentives*
Production Assistant
The duties of this individual will be providing production support for projects, manage equipment, manage media, report to media operators, assist in office upkeep, and meet with clients. Applicant professional, organized, a manager of time, and exhibit the ability to work with others. This is a part-time to full time position starting at $10/hr.
Media Operator
The duties of the media operator will be providing full production support for projects. Production support includes: setting up video, sound, and lighting equipment; maintaining equipment; operating equipment; organizing equipment; editing video, images, and audio; working directly with clients; creative methods for productions; and consulting with clients. Salary is negotiable.
Studio Engineer
The duties shall include recording music artists, voice-over talent, podcasts, radio shows, and any other audio. Mixing, editing, and mastering music will also be a responsibility of the studio engineer.